Breast Lift with Implants in Charlotte NC

Breast lift is an effective way to look and feel more youthful and attractive after having children or losing a significant amount of weight. During the operation, our Charlotte cosmetic surgeons, Dr. Robert Graper and Dr. Garrett Harper, reposition the breasts higher on the chest wall to create a perkier contour.

If you are contemplating breast lift, you have the option to incorporate implants into the operation to increase the volume and fullness of your breasts. This approach may be appropriate if you have concerns about breast size, shape and sag after having children or losing weight.

Breast Lift with Implants (Augmentation Mastopexy)

Combining breast lift and breast augmentation is a good way to improve the position and volume of the breasts simultaneously. Breast lift improves the position of the breasts but doesn’t affect the breast volume; augmentation adds volume but doesn’t improve the position of the breasts. When our cosmetic surgeons combine the two procedures, the breasts look perkier and larger.

When performed by a board certified plastic surgeon, combination procedures are safe and no more likely to cause complications than a single, standalone procedure. There are also a few advantages to combining procedures: namely, one operation, with one round of anesthesia, and one recovery period. Combining breast lift and augmentation saves time and money, cutting down on some of the costs associated with surgery (i.e., facility fee, anesthesiologist fee).

Implant Considerations

Type: The type of breast implants you select will affect how you look and feel after surgery. Saline, silicone and silicone gel implants have their advantages and disadvantages, all of which our surgeons will discuss with you in consultation.

Size: The size of your implants is also very important. Some women want noticeably bigger breasts whereas others desire a subtle boost in volume. We will help you determine the best size for your body proportions and your goals.

Placement: Implants can be placed either over or under the chest muscle. We prefer to place implants under the muscle because this results in a more natural feel and makes it  more likely that the implants will stay soft and not interfere with mammograms. However, we can discuss your options with you in consultation to select the best approach for your anatomy and goals.

Contact Graper Cosmetic Surgery

Dr. Graper and Dr. Harper can help you determine what is ultimately best for you during a one-on-one consultation. To book an appointment, please call Graper Cosmetic Surgery at 704.375.7111 or send us an email today.