Full vs Mini Tummy Tuck in Charlotte NC

If you want to improve the appearance of stubborn belly flab and loose abdominal skin, you have several treatment options to evaluate. Conventional tummy tuck is probably the most well-known option, and Drs. Robert Graper and Garrett Harper also offer a variation of the procedure, known as mini tummy tuck. Read on as the plastic surgeons at Graper Cosmetic Surgery explain the key differences between the two procedures.

What Is a Full Tummy Tuck?

Full tummy tuck, or abdominoplasty, removes unwanted fat and loose saggy skin from the abdomen. In addition, the procedure repairs the muscles of the abdominal wall, which may have stretched during pregnancy or weight fluctuations. These surgical modifications simultaneously flatten the stomach and narrow the waistline to create an attractive abdominal contour. A tummy tuck procedure may improve or eliminate the appearance of stretch marks, depending on their location on the abdomen.

The incisions for full tummy tuck are created from hip to hip low on the abdomen (low enough that any scarring can be concealed by a bikini or pair of underwear).

Is Full Tummy Tuck Right for You?

Full tummy tuck might be right for you if you are bothered by:

  • Loose, saggy skin above and below your belly button
  • Excess fat that does not respond to diet or exercise
  • Weakened or separated abdominal muscles

How Is Mini Tummy Tuck Different?

Mini tummy tuck is similar to full tummy tuck, but on a smaller scope. The procedure focuses on improving the lower abdomen, between the pubic bone and the navel. Through a Caesarian section-sized incision on the lower abdomen, the abdominal muscles are tightened and a small amount of skin (less skin than is removed during full tummy tuck) is removed. The skin above the belly button is not tightened. Liposuction is performed on the entire abdomen to create a flatter and firmer contour.

Because mini tummy tuck is less extensive than full tummy tuck, the recovery is quicker and patients typically return to work sooner.

Is Mini Tummy Tuck Right for You?

Mini tummy tuck may be a more suitable option for you if you:

  • are bothered by excess fat and skin on your lower abdomen, between your pubic bone and belly button
  • you have relatively tight skin and good muscle tone above your belly button

Contact Graper Cosmetic Surgery

To discuss your specific areas of concern with Dr. Graper or Dr. Harper, and determine the most appropriate plan of treatment, please contact Graper Cosmetic Surgery and request a consultation.