Abdominoplasty Scarring

As you consider undergoing tummy tuck to achieve a flatter, firmer stomach, scarring may understandably be a concern. Scarring is an inevitable part of any surgical procedure, as scars are the body’s natural way of responding to wounds.

The best resource for educating yourself about tummy tuck scarring is a board-certified plastic surgeon like Dr. Robert Graper and Dr. Garrett Harper. Read on as our surgeons discuss what you need to know about tummy tuck scarring.

Where Will My Scars Be?

Traditional tummy tuck involves two incisions: one on the lower abdomen and another around the belly button. The placement of these incisions is important to the ultimate result. The lower abdomen incision is usually created right above the pubic hairline, low enough to be concealed beneath underwear or a bikini bottom. During the treatment planning phase, Dr. Graper and Dr. Harper can help plan out your abdominal scar so you can see precisely where it will be positioned.

The belly button incision is created in the natural folds and creases around the navel, so scarring naturally blends in with these transitions.

Do Tummy Tuck Scars Go Away?

Your scars will never fade away completely. The skin along the incision line will always look slightly different in color and texture from unscarred skin. Factors like genetics can also influence how prominent your scars look; some people are genetically prone to more noticeable scarring.

Scars take time to mature. Some scars get slightly darker and more noticeable before starting to fade. Don’t worry if your scars start to look worse in the weeks following your procedure; this does not mean you will be left with prominent scarring.

Tips To Minimize Scarring

With the proper care and precautions, you can help your incisions heal well and your scars fade over time until they are very discreet.

Choose a talented plastic surgeon. Your choice of surgeon affects how your scars will ultimately look. Talented, experienced, board-certified plastic surgeons like Dr. Graper and Dr. Harper are well versed in the surgical techniques that lead to the smallest, least visible scars.

Follow your surgeon’s post-op instructions. You will receive a complete set of instructions regarding wound care for your incision. Following these instructions will help your incision heal properly, which results in better scars. Be sure to monitor your incisions for any signs of infection, as complications can cause more prominent scarring.

Ask your surgeon about topical products. Certain topical treatments such as those containing silicone can be beneficial in scar care. Ask Dr. Graper and Dr. Harper about products they recommend for healing scars.

Keep your scar out of the sun. Exposing your healing incision or scar to the sun will make it more noticeable. Make sure you cover your scar up whenever going outdoors (and avoid tanning beds, too).

For more information about tummy tuck, please contact Graper Harper Cosmetic Surgery today.